1. 7月7日是世界巧克力日
July 7 is World Day, a nod to when was said to have been first to on July 7, 1550.
2. 白巧克力不是巧克力
it doesn't cocoa or , white isn't in the sense. But it does parts of the cacao bean— cocoa .
3. 可可豆曾被当作货币使用
The loved and the cacao bean so that they used it as the of their .
4. 英国糖果商发明了固态巧克力
The J.S. Fry & Sons shop what they “ ” in 1847 by cocoa , sugar, and . This was a , solid form of the treat.
1847年英国巧克力制造商J.S. Fry & Sons用可可脂、糖和可可浆调制出了“可以吃的巧克力”。这是一种颗粒状的固态甜食。
5. 吉百利公司发明了心形巧克力盒
If you ever to pick up a last- 's Day gift from a gas , now you know whom to thank.
6. 传说拿破仑很爱吃巧克力
The story is that was known to carry with him on for an boost.
7. 牛奶巧克力是在瑞士发明的
Peter the tasty treat in 1875—after eight years of to make his work. milk ended up being the key .
8. 大多数可可豆产自非洲
its roots, most cacao— 70 of the world’s —comes from . C?te d' is the , about 30 of all the world’s cacao.
9. 可可树寿命可达100年
That may sound , but the only make cacao beans for just 25 years of their .
10. 巧克力的熔点比较特殊
to the of , has a point 86°F and 90°F, which is just below the human body . That’s why your candy bar will melt in your hands if you don't eat it fast .
相关教程推荐: 爆款巧克力纷纷va樱桃纷纷雪教程